Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Anniversary Weekend

This past weekend Lee and I celebrated 5 wonderful years of marriage! This year it worked out that we got to celebrate with all my best friends and their husbands. We had planned to go camping but that fell through so we spent the BEST weekend in Austin. It was so nice to get away without the kids and have fun with other adults! Here are some pictures from the weekend. Thank you to Jen for the pictures, she's the only one that thought to bring a point and shoot camera.
We went to "Hey Cupcake" and had some delicious cupcakes!
On Friday night we went to see the bats fly out from under a bridge. It was pretty cool.
Besties on 6th street
Lee and me on 6th...we felt really OLD!
Saturday after a day at Barton Springs pool, we went to the Oasis for dinner. We got there just in time for sunset and it was beautiful!
All the girls at the Oaisis
Happy 5 years my love!
All of us at the Oasis. So fun, just wish someone had told me that dress makes me look huge!!
To my wonderful husband, I love you so much! Thank you for going on this journey with me. It has been a very fun, challenging, crazy, loving and exciting 5 years and I can't wait to see where we are in 5 more! You are my light and my strength. I love you!

1 comment:

~Shelly~ said...

Fun fun!! And you+huge do not go together! You looked very cute!