Friday, September 03, 2010

Price at 3 Years

Weight: 26.5lbs (5%)
Height: 34 inches (15%)
It is really hard for me to believe that Price is 3 and that he is so big and independent. I constantly hear "I can do it." He wants to do everything himself or at least help me do everything. He continues to be a little talker and his vocabulary amazes us, along with the things he says. He's very funny and outgoing when he feels comfortable. When he is around large groups or people he doesn't know he goes into his shell a little more. He loves going to Mother's Day out and started 3 year old choir last week. Music and singing are some of his favorite things in life. He has gotten more into movies recently and likes the Grinch and Mary Poppins. He can identify all the letters and several numbers. He sleeps really well at night but still has issues going to sleep some nights. He also still takes a good nap during the day. He still isn't all that interested in Hayes unless Hayes is getting his stuff. Then he's really interested in getting him to stop! He is a good eater and loves pizza, cheese, and pretty much all fruit. He is an incredibly sweet little boy and often gives hugs and kisses for no reason. He still really likes to cuddle with me and has told me that he isn't going to college because he wants to stay at home with Mommy. Sounds good to me! He has the most amazing memory and often talks about stuff that happened over a year ago. He is completely potty trained (and has been for a long time) even at night. We love this kid more than words can express. He is getting more difficult as 3 has approached but we are working on boundaries and not throwing tantrums. I can't wait to see how he grows and changes this year. We are so blessed to be his parents!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so blessed to have him for your son. He is a great kid and we love him so much, We are so blessed to have him as one of our grandchildren.

Love Grandma and Grandpa