Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So far this week I have put Hayes into and out of his Batman costume approximately 38 times.  I have made 3 meals a day for 3 kids and sometimes 2 adults.  I have washed dish after dish.  I have played Darth Vader, kissed injuries, rocked and sang, rocked and sang at naps and night time.  I have read books and played board games.  I have given baths and washed hands (over and over).  I have patiently and sometimes not so patiently redirected bad behavior and given many time outs.  I have said phrases I never thought I would have to say. (i.e. don't lick the window, your brother, etc.)  I have been woken up every since night this week by one of the three children in this house and some nights by all three at different times.  There are moments when I feel utterly invisible, where I am strictly a maid or a dish washer or errand runner.  But then someone gives me an unexpected kiss or asks me to lay with them on the couch.  I live an ordinary life.  Many people have aspired to much more than I have and reached those goals. I have endured the eye rolling that sometimes comes along with me saying "I'm a stay at home mom".  But you know what?  This was my dream.  I never wanted a job making tons of money or sitting behind a desk.  I wanted babies and by the total grace of God I got 3 of the most beautiful ones I have ever seen.  I pray that I never feel ordinary.  That I always remember that this is my number one goal in life and that I am actually living my dream.  The next time I wipe a bottom or get thrown up on I can smile because I am in the thick of life with little kids and I would not trade one moment of it.  This is truly the best job I could ask for and I am so so lucky to do what I do.  These days are going by fast and I'm all too aware that I lose my first-born to kindergarten in the fall.  So I'm trying desperately to pay closer attention to remember the sights and smells and words my kids say at this stage because they will never be this age again.  While some days I go to bed defeated, the vast majority are fun, different and lovely.  And I am so thankful.


Miranda said...

You are doing a fantastic job raising those 3 beautiful babies. And I would personally give anything to have your job.

Anonymous said...

You are such a terrific mother. I am always so proud of the things you manage to get done with all 3 kids. As you said they do grow up way to fast, as you and Kyle did. I still miss my little boy and girl, but am so proud of them and the mom and dad they have become.Dad and I couldn't be prouder of you and your spouses. We are so blessed.
Love ya,

Elaine said...

A lovely post, friend! I only hope to be the kind of mom you are someday!