Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Hayes at 4 years old

It's so hard to believe that my sweet baby boy is 4 years old.  It's always impossible for me to celebrate his birthday without thinking about where he was this time 4 years ago, in the hospital fighting for his little life.  We truly have so much to be thankful for and would not even want to imagine what our lives would be like without this energetic little boy.  Here are some things he is up to at 4 years old:
  • Height: 3 feet 31/2 inches (15th%)
  • Weight: 36 lbs (50%)
  • He still LOVES his puppy and always asks to take it with him everywhere.
  • He is a very emotional kid and sometimes has trouble controlling those emotions when things don't go his way.
  • He is incredibly sweet and constantly gives me hugs and kisses for no reason.
  • He is (sort of) liking Pre-K.  He never wants to go but his teachers tell me that once he is there he does great.
  • He freaked and I mean totally freaked out getting his 4 year shots.  It was miserable for all of us.  Again, he just can't control those emotions sometimes.
  • He went to the dentist last week and has 2 cavities.  The dentists said it is most likely due to the RSV when his teeth were forming, making them weak.
  • He still loves his super heroes and star wars toys. He will spend most days playing happily in his imaginary world with them.
  • He loves to have his friend over to play and asks every single day for Casen and Clark to come over.
  • He is still a pretty picky eater.  He refuses to try a lot of new things but he is getting better!
  • He is still a great sleeper and will play happily in his bed until he falls asleep.
  • He loves his siblings more than anything in the world.  He is really sweet and gentle with Brighton and completely rough and tumble with Price.
  • He knows all of his letters and most of the sound they make.
  • He LOVES pajamas and wears them constantly.
  • He will only wear short sleeves and tries to wear shorts everywhere we go, even if it is 30 degrees outside.  This has resulted in many fights before school.  When he absoultely has to he will wear "soft pants" but never jeans.  And we usually compromise with a short sleeve shirt and a jacket.  I don't know that he has worn long sleeves yet this year.  With the daily clothes battles I'm ready for summer already!
  • We just love this kid so much.  He never fails to make us laugh one minute and make us furious the next!  He really is at such a great age of learning so much and becoming his own person.  I can't wait to watch him grow this year.

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