Friday, February 11, 2011

Hayes at 15 Months

I know I say it all the time but I cannot believe 3 months have already passed since Hayes turned 1. Everything just seems to move so fast with the 2nd one. Sadly, there isn't as much time to sit and enjoy the milestones though they mean just as much this time as they did with Price. We are so proud of our sweet 2nd born. He makes us laugh and want to pull our hair out all at the same time! He's so different from his brother that at sometimes I feel like I've never done this parenting thing before and I'm starting from scratch. Anyway, we don't go for his 15 month appointment for another 2 weeks because of scheduling conflicts so I'll give his stats then but here is what Hayes is up to at 15 months.
  • Teeth: 10 (including 2 molars)
  • His speech is really starting to take off. Some of his newest words are thank you, please, bite, bed, night night and Mamie (for Macie).
  • He is really good at playing by himself but he enjoys being with Price too.
  • He is still a very tough kid and tackles Price all the time.
  • He has started hitting when he gets something taken away...obviously something we are working on! :)
  • He still loves his paci but this month we are going to work on only having it at sleep times.
  • He has really become a better sleeper lately. He takes good long naps and usually sleeps great at night.
  • He is still quite the eater. Yogurt is his favorite right now.
  • His favorite toy right now is his vacuum cleaner but he still loves books too.
  • He loves to spin circles in the living room until he falls down. This is hilarious to watch.
  • Overall he is a sweet, fun little boy. He's a challenge for me and we have many battles since we are both so strong headed. We love him so much and just love to snuggle him. We love you Hayes and can't wait to watch you grow some more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable and sweet, we love him so much and can't imagine our world without him.
Love, Grandma and Grandpa