Monday, February 21, 2011

Kauai - Day 1

I think this is the longest I have ever gone without blogging. Lee and I spent 7 wonderful days in Kauai, Hawaii. It was such a great get-away and much needed. We planned the trip about 6 months ago so we were so excited it was finally here. We only did the one island so we got to really search the island. I think we did or saw just about everything there was. It was so nice to have no real responsibilities and just go where we wanted to when we wanted to. It was such a beautiful island and we would go back in a heartbeat (except for the long flight). Anyway, I'm going to do the pictures by day so I can remember what we did when. The pictures don't really do the beauty justice.
We got there late Saturday night so Sunday was our first real day to explore. We drove to the north end of the island and explored the Napali Coast. This is the side of the island you can only access by boat, helicopter or hiking. So we hiked. We didn't realize the trail would be so hard. It was rocky, VERY muddy and slippery. It was tiring but fun, we even went through little waterfalls. We ended up doing about 2 miles in and 2 miles out. We hiked to a river that flowed straight into the ocean. The beauty of it all made it so worth the effort.
This is the hotel before sunrise. (Lee had trouble adjusting to the 4 hour time difference.)
Roosters on this island are the equivalent of pigeons everywhere else. They are everywhere!
We drove to this lighthouse by following a random sign.
This is the view from the beginning of the hike.
SO pretty!
Hiking through a waterfall.
Steep and rocky
Little waterfall to the left.
Where the river meets the ocean
After the hike we were worn out. We drove back to the hotel, went to find a place for dinner and then went to bed early.

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