Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kauai - Day 2

On Monday we went to Poipu. It was on the South coast and had beautiful beaches. Lee did some snorkeling and boogie boarding. I did some laying on the beach, tanning and reading. The only thing that convinced me to get in the water was when Lee kept telling me he had seen a sea turtle in the water. He wasn't kidding. I went out there and sure enough, the turtle was there and he was HUGE. It was about 4 feet wide and swam along with me. Then it came up for air and just looked at me from about 3 feet away. It was one of the coolest things we have ever experienced. Sadly, we didn't have our underwater camera with us that day so we didn't get any pictures. After the beach we went back to the hotel, showered and got ready for the Smith Family Luau. They have a beautiful piece of land with lots of animals, trees and water. They showed us they cook the pig in the ground then we had a huge meal. After the meal there was a show with lots of Hawaiian dancing and history. It was really neat but flash photography wasn't allowed so we don't have any pictures of that part. It was a great and tiring day. We went to bed exhausted that night.
We rented a Jeep for the week and enjoyed driving around with no top.
The Smith Family Luau
This peacock was trying really hard to get a females attention. Sadly, she was more interested in the food people were passing out.
Probably won't be wearing this dress anymore seeing how it makes me look huge!!
The pig ceremony. It's buried under the dirt behind them.

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