Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kauai - Day 3

On Tuesday we drove around that morning and just followed some signs to various waterfalls. Then we headed out to our zip line tour. We did it through Kauai Outdoor adventures and it was so much fun. We did 7 different lines. The longest was over 900 feet long and the tallest was 250 feet off the ground. It was over a beautiful canyon with a river running through it. (It's actually where they filmed Tropic Thunder with Ben Stiller.) We had such a great time and it was totally safe. When we were done we ate lunch at the bottom of the canyon. After zip lining we went back to the hotel and hung out at the beach there for a while. Then we went to eat at a Japanese hibachi grill. We had such a fun day!

Getting ready to go out zip lining The vehicle we took up the mountain to the zip line starting point.
Me coming across the line
This should give you some perspective on how long the lines were. Those are treetops below Lee, not grass!

A couple of videos of the fun.

The video above is of what we saw while we were zip lining. The one below is me coming in. It looks like I'm going slow but we actually went about 35 mph.

1 comment:

becky said...

Love your posts of the trip. You were pretty cute on that zip line, too. It will be so fun to look back on this great trip.