Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kauai - Day 4

On Wednesday we decided to follow a lead that a local had given us and find a waterfall that we could jump off of. We followed a tiny very overgrown trail and ended up at a really pretty 15 foot waterfall. The current was flowing really fast so I decided I shouldn't try crossing the river to get to the rope swing. Lee made it though and did 2 jumps. It was a neat little hidden area. After the falls we drove around for a while and went to Spouting Horn. It's where the waves rush into the volcanic rock and then shoots back out way up into the sky. It was really cool to see. The ocean is just so pretty in Kauai, it's so blue. We went back to Poipu beach after that and Lee did some more boogie boarding while I read. It was a great way to end a really fun day.
Lee jumping into the river
Fuzzy but still cool
My love
These are the falls he was jumping from
There were 2 seals on Poipu that day.
Lee boogie boarding
Spouting Horn

1 comment:

Austin and Ashley Evans said...

I LOVE reading day by day about your trip! Except now Im DYING to go!! Its beautiful!!