Monday, February 28, 2011

Kauai - Days 5,6 &7

I didn't take too many pictures the last few days we were there. The island isn't really all that big so we had seen both sides of the island and were just enjoying our time there. On Thursday morning we headed out on a guided tubing tour. Kauai used to have lot of sugar farms and the canals they dug for that are still there. The tour took us on private property (that you can only see through the tour) through those canals. 80% of the tour was through caves. It was dark and really rocky. We had head lamps for the caves but on the final one we turned them out and did it all in the dark. It was really cool and kind of creepy. There was also about a 3 foot drop outside of one of the caves so that was fun! After tubing we went back to the north part of the island to Hanelei Bay. Lee did some snorkeling and walked the 2 miles of beach while I read my book and caught up with my mom back home. It was such a relaxing day.

We tubed in the part closest to the camera.
About to head into the first cave.
Friday we started the day by driving to Waimea Canyon. It is a HUGE canyon on part of the island that runs 10 miles long, 1 mile wide and almost a mile deep. We drove all the way to the top. It was kind of hazy that morning so we couldn't see everything but it was a peaceful drive with lots to look at. After the canyon we went back to Poipu beach for many hours of sun. There was another turtle there that day and Lee was able to get a picture of one with the underwater camera. We had dinner at a local Italian place and went back to pack. Saturday we literally drove the entire island just seeing it all for one last time and collecting souvenirs for the kids. It was such a perfect trip and we hated to board the plane that night. Thinking of seeing Price and Hayes was about the only thing that could have gotten us to leave the island. (Sorry, the pictures are out of order)
Some fish
The turtle
Beautiful canyon

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