Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Price at 3 1/2

How can it be that my first born little man is half way to 4? This is crazy. Price is so so wonderful at 3 1/2. He's such a joy. A happy, loving little boy who gives kisses for no reason and constantly tells me he loves me. He loves his brother and tells me "it's okay if he does that" when Hayes is getting in trouble. He is incredibly imaginative and has recently acquired some imaginary friends. We now have Baboona and Treelimb the monkeys living with us. He told me today that the zookeeper let him have 2 of the elephants too since the lion was trying to get them. He likes to play with his friends but is still a home-body and would prefer to stay home with me. He still loves books and will listen anytime I am reading one to him or Hayes. He is still tiny for his age but just oh so cute! He has recently gone though a stage where everything is about guns and shooting. I think this is odd since we don't really do either in our house. He loves tv and movies. His current favorite show is The Fresh Beat Band and he plays his kazoo right along with it. He also loves The Incredibles and tells us he has super powers and can stop a rocket. He loves to be outside and drive his gator. He is an elaborate talker. The other day he started a story by saying "Mom, I hate to have to tell you this but..." He still throws the occasional fit but mostly gets in trouble for "back talking". He is also quite the whiner when he gets hurt or doesn't get his way. He can buckle himself into his car seat (this is a huge time saver for me!). He can also completely dress and undress himself. He's just getting so big and doing so many "big boy" things. Overall he is just such a sweet, happy boy. We love him so much and just constantly thank God for his incredible personality.


becky said...

I love this little boy so much, too. He is a special gift to me-his Memaw!!

~Shelly~ said...

He is one handsome little devil :) Kinley LOVES the FBB too.. it has taken over Dora for sure!

Anonymous said...

He is such an incredible little boy, love him soooo much. Can't imagine my world without him.