Friday, April 22, 2011

Play Day at Grandmas

I haven't blogged this week because my sweet Hayes came down with quite a virus and it took us a few days to kick it. Poor thing had a fever of almost 103. You know something is VERY wrong with him when all he wants to do is lay on me and cry. This kid is a non stop mover so I knew he felt terrible. Anyway, on Wednesday morning he woke up feeling so much better so we headed to my mom's house to play with Karlie and Kinsey. Nana and her helper, Christine, came by later to play. Then Michelle, Kayleigh and Casen came over too. It was glorious, beautiful chaos. All the kids had so much fun playing together and it wore them all out! It was a fun day and so nice to get out after being stuck inside for a few days.

Glad Hayes finally figured out to draw with the chalk and not eat it. I also love how sassy Karlie looks in this picture.

Grandma and her boys...Kinsey was sleeping and Karlie didn't want to have her picture taken.
So determined

We found a frog in a drain pipe and Karlie and Price were obsessed.

Sweet Kinsey has grown so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was so much fun. We will have to do it again.
Love you all so much.
Grandma Davis