Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hayes at 18 Months

Hayes turned 18 months old today. He's getting so big and doing so many things now. He's starting to lean more toward little boy than a baby. Here are some things he is up to at 1 1/2.
  • We don't go back to to the doctor until he's 2 so I have no stats. He's heavy though!
  • Teeth: 14
  • Clothes: 18 month
  • Diapers: size 4
  • He talks all the time. I can't understand a lot of it but he does have lots of words I can understand. He also puts 2 words together occasionally.
  • He loves to be outside, usually mowing the yard with his little mower. He also loves to ride in the gator with Price driving.
  • He adores his big brother. His first word every morning when I get him out of bed is "brah" for brother. He is always looking for Price and lights up when he finds him.
  • He still eats A LOT. He usually carries a snack around the house with him and is happiest when he has a full cup of milk. "Mill, mill, mill" is what I hear all day.
  • He's still a climber...found him in the middle of the kitchen table yesterday. He also runs as fast as he can instead of walking.
  • He has a very short temper and already throws huge fits and stomps his feet when he's not happy about something.
  • He loves to give hugs and kisses and lots of smiles.
  • He goes to sleep so easily at nap and night time and sleeps from about 9pm-7am at night.
  • We love him so much and can't imagine this family without him!
Here are a few pictures of our sweet boy from the last couple of months.


Hayes' Memaw said...

I adore and love this little boy! You are right-he IS heavy!!! So thankful for this precious child!!!

Anonymous said...

I really should not say this, but he does act like his mother did when she is little. It is called pay back time. haha You will survive. Love this little boy so much.
Love Mom