Sunday, May 08, 2011

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Last weekend I went to Orlando with my wonderful friend Jen. We met Molly there (her brother was graduating from college in Florida). It was a really quick trip, we flew in Saturday and flew out Monday but it was SO worth it. Our reason for going was to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios. We have all read the books and are big fans. It was so amazing how they have recreated the things from the books. Hogsmeade, butterbeer, pumpkin juice, the Hogwarts castle, everything was done so well with such attention to detail. The big ride in Hogsmeade is where you fly with Harry, Ron and Hermione on brooms. The ride was really cool but the wait was even cooler since it took you through the castle where the paintings talk to each other and you walk through Dumbledores office. We had such a good time and even if it was short, it was great to have a little vacation with my girls. (We missed you Michelle.) A very special thanks to Molly's parents for letting us stay at their house. I'm sure we will be back!

The entrance to Hogsmeade with Hogwarts in the background

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Molly, Jen, me, the Hogwarts express conductor, and Pat, Molly's mom

Butterbeer! Every bit as good as it is described in the books!

With the girls from Beauxbatons and the boys from Durmstrang

And the singing frog choir

The trip was short but we packed a lot in. On Monday we woke up to find out our flight home was cancelled. We spent basically all day running around, dropping Jen off at one airport and driving 2.5 hours to another airport to finally get home. It was a long, exhausting process but we are still so glad we went!

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