Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

We have had a great day celebrating Lee. He really is such a wonderful husband and dad and he makes our lives so much better. On Thursday he got home from being gone for work for 12 days. I realized once again that there is no way I could do this all the time without him. He makes our family whole and brings so much to this house. He is a cooker, a cleaner, a diaper changer, story reader, bath giver, cuddler, disciplinarian, provider, and so many other things that I could go on and on. I am so thankful that God gave me Lee as a husband and gave us these 2 sweet boys to parent together. Happy Father's Day Lee! You are everything I always hoped my kids would have in a dad.


Becky said...

Very honoring to my precious son. Thank you, Kristy!!

~Shelly~ said...

He really is a great daddy! They adore him!

Anonymous said...

Lee is not only a wonderful husband and father but a terrific person. Glad you all had a great fathers day.