Thursday, June 02, 2011

Kansas Trip

We left last Thursday and headed to Muskogee, Oklahoma to spend the night. It was my parents, me and the kids. Lee had to stay home and work and we missed him SO much while we were gone! The kids really did well in the car. On the way there no one napped so they were pretty ready to get out of the car when we got to the hotel. Of course the first time Price wanted to do was swim in the indoor pool. The pool was very cold but he enjoyed it anyway. Hayes wasn't too sure about the cold water so he didn't last long. After a good nights sleep we headed to Kansas Friday morning. It was so good to catch up with our family there. My cousin, Jill, and I are the same age, both have 2 little boys and are just in the same phase of life. It was fun to compare notes. The boys had a great time playing together and running themselves ragged in the backyard. We even walked to a nearby park and let them play. I slept in the same room with my boys and they did great every night. The highlight of the trip for Price was putting his "animals" in the dog cages in the yard. I think everyone took a turn being a lion in the cage. I'm thinking of installing these in our yard since they kept him busy all day! All in all it was a great trip. We drove home all in one day. The kids did GREAT with very little complaining. It was great to see our family but it was so nice to be home and see Lee too.

Price LOVED this dog.

Price and Brock

Jill and Brock being lions.

sweet Zane
Sliding with grandpa

We broke out the sprinkler one day.  It was chilly and they didnt last too long.

So we switched to water guns and they were a huge hit.

Brock, Jill and Price

Thanks for all your hospitality Taylor family!  Can't wait for you to come see us soon!

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