Saturday, June 04, 2011

Learning to Swim Part 1

Price is taking 2 different sets of swimming lessons this year. The first were at our local YMCA. He went twice a week for the whole month of May. He had a really great time. I wasn't thrilled with the lessons overall. He didn't learn much but how to be comfortable in the water and the water in the indoor pool was so cold they ended lessons early every time. The kids were all shivering with purple lips. He loved it though so I guess that's all that matters. The night I took my camera was water safety night. He didn't usually wear the life jacket in the normal lessons.

 Waiting patiently for his turn
 He was the only one in his group that could float on his back without assistance.  (Again, he didn't usually have the life vest.)
My sweet boy always with a smile on his face when he's in the water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Price, he is doing great and he loves the water.
Grandma Davis