Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's a GIRL!

We went today to have an ultrasound to determine the sex of baby #3.  Our doctor doesn't do the "big" sonogram until 24 weeks so we like to pay to have one done earlier.  We got some very clear views that baby #3 is in fact a little girl!!  We are SO SO excited.  Price is so glad he got what he wanted.  Her name is going to be Brighton Louise.  Louise is my mom's, my grandma's and my middle name so I had to use it if I had a girl!  I'm going to have to get used to pink and little girl things but I am so excited to meet this precious little thing.  While I was showing Lee some bedding I liked for her tonight he said "spare no expense, she's our daughter!"  I had no idea she would already have him wrapped around his finger!  We had our families over tonight to tell them the news.  We had a box full of pink balloons, each balloon had a letter of Brighton's name on it.  Once the balloons flew out of the box everyone had to figure out what the name was.  It was fun and everyone was surprised to see pink!  We are so happy and can't wait for March!

 The fact that Price insisted on being Batman for the reveal is my favorite part of these pictures!


Joni said...

YIPPEEEEEE, YAY, WAHOOOOO!!!!! I have tears in my eyes for you guys! So excited about your little princess!!!!! Congratulations!!

And you're gonna have to change your blog's title... No more rough & tumble with only boys! ;)

Becky said...

I am curious, too, to see what you come up with for Blog title. Rough and Tumble with a little Sugar and Spice? Ms. Brighton may be more rough and tumble than her brothers. Ha! Last night was just like Christmas. So fun seeing those pink balloons come out of the box. I adore the name Brighton Louise. Now, I have to wait til March to meet her-uuuuugh!!!!

The surprise was precious and I am so happy for your little family. Blessings galore!!

Anonymous said...

We are so excited to find out our new grandbaby is a girl. We are so blessed. It was so much fun last night to see what color balloons came out of the box. We love you so much and can't wait to meet little Miss Brighton. Love her name.
Lots of love,

Emily said...

Love it! So creative! G wants to know where Henry is :)