Sweet Brighton girl turned 3 months old this week. Time is flying! She continues to be just the sweetest, most content baby ever. She's a great sleeper and eater. She smiles and coos often and just melts everyone in this family. Price and Hayes love to get in her face and try to make her laugh at them. There isn't a whole lot new to report this month. She has rolled from her tummy to her back a couple of times but doesn't do it consistently. She likes to sleep for very long stretches (9-10 hours) some nights and others she only goes about 5 without eating. She is VERY wiggly and scoots all over her bed in her swaddle. She usually ends up in a corner or with her head against the side and that wakes her up so I just feed her to get her to go back to sleep. She is liking her paci more these days and falls asleep with it often. She has really good head control and is much easier to hold now. She has also started grabbing at things in her play gym. One of her favorite things to do is lay in her bed and look at her mobile. She usually takes a little cat nap about an hour after she wakes up in the morning, then takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. She also likes to have one more cat nap around 7pm. So those are some things that little Brighton is up to now. I just LOVE watching her grow and change. Here are her 3 month pics...for whatever reason I cannot get her to smile on the frog. I guess I have 9 more months to try!
Yay for being 3 months old!
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