Friday, July 06, 2012

Brighton is 4 Months!

Yesterday Brighton turned 4 months old.  She's growing so fast and changing a little everyday.  We don't go to the doctor for a while so I'll have to do height and weight later but here are some things my girl is up to this month.

  •  Still nurses like a champ.
  • She isn't really rolling yet...I think this is probably because she is NEVER put on the floor where she can roll.  Something about 2 crazy big brothers makes it difficult to lay her down anywhere!
  • She is still a very content baby.  She coos and giggles a lot.
  • She has learned that if she squawks really loud it will get your attention and she usually give you a big smile in return.
  • Still sleeping pretty good.  She wakes up once a night to eat.  She takes a cat nap in the morning, around noon, and then goes down for a long nap in the afternoon.
  • She loves her hands and sucks on them constantly.
  • Still sleeps swaddled.
  • She has great head control and we've tried out the Bumbo and the exersaucer some this month.
  • The boys still love her like crazy and are quick to talk to her and make her smile when she cries.
  • She is FINALLY a better car rider.  Up until now she has screamed in the car.  In the past few weeks she has stopped.
  • She still has reflux which sometimes affects her sleeping.
  • We love this sweet girl and are so happy God gave her to us!

1st time in the exersaucer

1st 4th of July


David and jill said...

She is just SO sweet. The pic in the whale outfit is almost more cuteness than I can handle. Ah, those dimples!!

~Shelly~ said...

Sweet girl! She is so happy! Im a bad mom.. no 4 month pics or stats... ugh!