Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Galveston Beach

We hit the beach right after we got to Galveston on Thursday evening.  The kids were so excited and I think their minds were blown when they finally saw the sand and water.  I have always felt like half of my soul lives at the beach so I was pretty content too.  We did lots of sand digging and playing in the water over the next few days.  The last day we were there it rained most of the day.  The storm brought in TONS of seaweed so that evening the beach was kind of gross.  The kids didn't seem to care though and still had a blast.  There were also quite a few jelly fish in the water one day.  Each night we took the kids out crab hunting and would bring the ones we found back and put them in the bathtub for everyone to look at.  Then we took them back to the beach to be free.  It was so fun hearing all the squeals when we would see a crab by flashlight!  Kayleigh didn't join us on these excursions, she said it was a little too scary, so one night I stayed with her and B.  The next night Sean was nice enough to stay back with them.  Any vacation with 5 kids under the age of 5 is going to have its challenges but overall we had a really great time.  The kids did great and we all can't wait to go back.

 Every time we would come in from the beach Price would have "beach hair".  It was pretty awesome.
 Sweet girl was so good.  She slept when she needed to, ate great and was just along for the ride.  She's just such a good baby!

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