Monday, September 26, 2005

3 cats, 2 kids

This was an interesting weekend. On friday I learned that we were taking in 3 evacuee cats. Lee's entire family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) were all evacuated for Rita and one of his aunts brought her 3 cats. Since his dad is allergic to them they needed to stay at our house. So we shut them into a back room with their litterbox, food and water. When I heard we were going to be keeping the cats I wondered if I may be allergic too. (More on that later). So anyway, Friday night Lee and i were bumming around Waco doing a little shopping with all the giftcards we still have left from our wedding. Niki Edwards calls me and is frantic to find my mom. I tell her that my mom has gone to Ft. Worth for the weekend. She is frantically telling me that she has to take her husband to the hospital because his back is out and she has no one to keep her kids. So I was like don't you worry, we'll go get them and take them to our house. I have kept these kids many times before and I love them both dearly. Josh is going to be 4 at the end of October and Abby Grace is two. Josh was the ringbearer in our wedding. Anywho, we picked the kids up from childcare at the church. They were a little confused as to why the were going home with us. But once we got them home they were gung-ho! We fed the fish and watched The Incredibles and ate tons of food (who knew 2 year olds could eat so much!) and played with Macie. All in all it was a fun packed night. Then Lee built them the best, cushiest pallet ever. Around 11:00 we decided to get them ready for bed. We changed them into their pajamas and brushed their teeth with an extra toothbrush we had. Then told them to lay down that it was "night-night" time. Josh laid down immediately, Abby Grace had different plans. She kept getting up and hiding under the covers, etc. With Josh occasionally says "Abby Grace, it is not play time, it's night night time". It was too funny. So they finally both sacked out at about 11:30. I tell you what, taking care of 2 kids under the age of 4 is tough work! The kids were picked up in a sleepy haze around 12:30. Then as Lee and I settled down to go to bed, the cats started meowing this awful meow. It was coming through 2 doors and we could still hear it. Lee must have gotten up with Macie about 5 times to see if she would go to the bathroom because she would not lay down. The first time he got up to let her out he set off the house alarm. That jolted me out of bed to punch in the code. A short while later the Brinks office called to make sure all is well. So FINALLY, around 4:30 we go to get some good sleep. It really was the most chaotic night of my entire life. The rest of the weekend was bland in comparison! I did, however, find out that I am majorly allergic to cats. My head feels like it ways 20 pounds.

Woo-hoo: Today I found out my middle name means "Warrior Maiden"
Boo: All the laundry still left for me to do.

1 comment:

Kasey Joy said...

ok already, this post had been up all week, i'm desperate for a new one!! LOL!!! miss you, it was really good to see you last weekend! Hope all is well!