Monday, September 19, 2005

The Best Weekend Ever

So this really was the best weekend ever. It started by me leaving work early on Friday because I took a short lunch. Then Molly, Michelle and I went to Dallas to visit Jen. It was so fun to see her precious apartment! She has it decorated so cute and it was so clean! Anyone who saw Jen and Michelle's room at the 9108 knows this is a big feet! Anyway, we all had fun just sitting around talking and laying on Jen's Lovesac! That thing was awesome! We went and had dinner at Pei Wei. Yummy! Then we came back to the apartment, sat and talked and looked at brides magazines. (Even though I'm married it is still fun to look!) Jen, Molly, and I slept in Jens king-size bed. It was fantastic. Michelle slept on the Lovesac. When we got up on Saturday it was time for shopping! Yay! We went to the West Village, which Molly kept confusing with the West End. There were so fun shops there. My personal favorite was Pitaya. I got some very cute camouflaged pants with embroidery on them and a pair of khaki corduroy pants. Michelle got some HUGE sunglasses that make her look even more like Jessica Simpson. We walked around to all the different shops and looked at all the ridiculously expensive clothes. Then we went into this shoe store and I immediately fell in love. There was the prettiest pair of pink shoes with sparkles that I had ever seen. I tried them on and they fit and they were the last pair in the store. It was fate! And besides that, they were like $250 off! That is a sale if I've ever seen one! I had to resist the first go around. We went to another store and I kept thinking about them. So we went back and I got them and now I love them and feel so fancy! They are very Carrie Bradshaw! It was definitely my favorite purchase of the day. Then we went to a dog specialty store. They had such fun stuff. Macie and Kosmo got some gourmet dog treats and Rodi got a fancy pearl necklace. After eating some lunch at Chipolte to get more energy, we hit the mall and the oh so crowded Sam Moon! Michelle and Jen bought fake hair and wore it to the mall and it was so wonderful. Molly bought a pair of shoes that she fell in love with too. After much shopping at the mall, we went to eat dinner at a nice little Italian place where they give the kids pizza dough to play with! It was such a good dinner! Then we went to get gelato. I had never had it before and it is pure heaven. It is Italian ice cream and it was delicious! We sat outside and ate on the most beautiful street in the West Village with a guy playing the guitar next to us. It was one of those moments that I think I'll remember forever. It was one of those moments that you want to be a snapshot of your life. Nothing fancy but just four friends enjoying each others company and some street music. We went back to Jen's after that and bid her farewell. After we came home Molly, Michelle and I watched Diary of a Mad Black Woman. The acting was pretty much terrible but it was an inspirational movie none the less. Lee totally approved of my shoes! He thought they were pretty and sexy! After the girls left I crashed from a long day of shopping. Sunday was one of those perfect lazy days. I didn't really do much but enjoyed every minute of it. We cooked our Sunday night dinner like every week, except this week Steven came down and surprised Molly. She was so happy! And we even got to have cake with Rainbow Chip icing on it! Life really doesn't get much better than this.

Woo-hoo: To the amazing flower beds Lee made while I was gone.
Boo: To Macie starting to chew on the walls of our house.

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