Thursday, September 15, 2005

It's a conspiracy

Okay so in our office each of the office staff are assigned a "duty day". On your duty day you are to unlock the doors, make the coffee, take the mail, twice, and be the first one to answer the phone. Now we do have senior adult volunteers that come up and help answer the phones. When they are here, you are off the hook from answering the phone. Well, my duty day is Thursday. So every Thursday I come in, unlock all the doors, make the coffee, and prepare to answer the phone until the volunteers get here. But for whatever reason, my volunteers never show up. Now granted, they are in their 80's and with that age comes certain health problems but seriously...someone show up just once. You would think that with 2 volunteers every Thursday (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) that someone would come at least like once a month. No no, my friend. Every Thursday its the same story. The lady in the morning just doesn't show up and the man in the afternoon calls and says he cannot make it. I think there is some sort of conspiracy against me. Someone, somewhere is calling these people to tell them not to come...after all, everyone else's volunteers show up. It's getting worse too. The lady that was supposed to come this morning went to the hospital last night. They will apparently go to great lengths to get out of this whole volunteer thing. Anyway, just something I was thinking about on this Thursday as the phone is constantly ringing and I can't get anything done!

Woo-hoo: To the amazing flowers I received yesterday.
Boo: To having no bosses here so I have NOTHING to do (except answer the phones of course!)

1 comment:

Kasey Joy said...

Kristy, i told riley that you enjoyed his blog, so he dedicated a poem to you on it, so check it out again!! it'll make you smile!