Friday, September 02, 2005

When Did We Grow Up?

I was just sitting here at work looking at some pictures I have on my computer here and I started thinking about my friends. I know I am an incredibly lukcy girl to have the friends I have. I think what I have with Michelle, Molly, Lindsay and Jen goes beyond just being friends. We somehow managed to find something deeper. We could spend hours together and still get sad when we had to leave each other. We often joke that when we are out on dates with our boyfriends/fiancees/husbands, that we wonder what our girlfriends are doing and hope that we aren't missing out on anything. Growing up has been hard on us as friends. We have all had to move apart and start figuring out what life will be like now that we aren't all in the same city. Lindsay is in Houston working, she loves her job. Jen is in Dallas and she just got a new job. Molly and Michelle are living together until Michelle gets married in December. Michelle is a 4th grade teacher and Molly is working for a social agency here in Waco. I think back on our four years in college and I wonder where all the time went. We are all actual adults now. How scary is that? Making money is nice, being married is nice, but sometimes I just want to be back in 9108 with my friends again. Those have been some of the best, most fun times of my life. We did things like limbo under Michelle with Molly singing "Schmee, schmee" and stairwell sledding. We did a lot of painting, had exotic fruit day, cooked dinner for each other on Wednesdays and went on the most amazing cruise for Spring Break. All of this to say that I miss my friends. I miss us all being in one place. I really miss secret time! Growing up is hard and don't think I want to do it anymore.

Whoo-hoo:It's Friday of a 3 day weekend!
Boo: Growing up!


Kasey Joy said...

Your blog almost made me cry it was soo sweet!! It's true though, growing up isn't fun, we're moving into a new stage of life, a stage that I would rather not enter!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog made me cry. Thanks.

I miss everyone being together so badly. I really miss Lindsay and Jen. I HATE THIS , lets quit our jobs and move to an island together.