Monday, November 21, 2005

Thanksgiving and Life

Well, since I probably won't get around to posting again before Thanksgiving, I thought I would go ahead and wish everyone a happy thanksgiving! I hope you stuff yourselves silly. I myself hate Thanksgiving food so to me it is just another day. Anyway, I hope you all have lots of fun spending time with friends and family.

This weekend was pretty good. Nothing spectacular. I spent Friday after work helping Molly move. She's moving into her own apartment and I think it will be quite cute. Unfortunately it is an upstairs apartment so there were many trips upstairs. We had a good time though and my mom treated us all to Bush's that night. It was good good good! I went to bed at about 11 that night because I was so exhausted from Harry Potter the night before. Saturday I slept late, went to a bowling party with Montana and then went to help Molly move again. There were lots of trips this time. Man she has a lot of stuff! After we were tired of moving, we went to do a little shopping. We went to Pier One and Target. We both spent WAY too much money but we got a lot of stuff we needed. It was a fun outing and by the time we were done we were both really tired. We went back to my house and watched some Dawson's Creek. I love that show! Sunday brought a lot more moving. My parents helped this time. Once again, lots of trips up and down the stairs. I think we finally got the majority of her stuff moved though. Now she has the daunting task of trying to figure out where its all going to go. And she has to get it all done before her puppy comes on Friday. Good luck Molly! Anyway, that was my weekend. It was topped off by Lee putting up the Christmas tree last night. There are no decorations but its up and its so exciting! It was a good relaxing weekend and I got a lot of exercise moving, so that's always good!

Woo-hoo: We ordered Lee's graduation invitations today! (it's finally going to happen!)
Boo: Having to travel on Thanksgiving day.

P.S. - I hope you enjoyed the fall colors today!


Jennifer Roush said...

I think I will gorge myself on all the greatness of Thanksgiving. WeightWatchers what???
PS nice turkey

Anonymous said...

hey hey...hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving! i'll be back in good ole waco again next week. maybe we can get together? love you