Friday, November 18, 2005

The Effects of Aging

I have to start this off by saying that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a must see. It was phenomenal. I WILL be seeing it again. We ended up going at 12:30am and it was packed. I didn't get in until around 3:30. My late night helped contribute to my post today. My body is not used to staying up like that anymore. I am so tired this morning I can barely keep my eyes open. It is just sad. In college I could stay up until the wee hours of the morning every night and be fine the next day. I contribute this to the effects of aging on my body and mind. I'm all of 23 years old and I'm starting to notice changes in myself that I think age has brought on. I no longer feel the need to drive as fast as I used to. I used to go 80 or 85 on the interstate without thinking about the repercussions. Now I just don't feel the need. Sometimes I try to fight this "getting old" feeling and go fast just for fun but its not the same. I have also noticed my age in conversations. Last night while waiting for Harry Potter to start Anne and I began to discuss politics. What the heck? Our conversations tend to drift more toward things of the world, education, poverty, politics, etc instead of our old conversations about boys or how stupid someone was when they were drunk. I also find that with age comes more fear. This may not be the same for everyone but I no longer feel invincible. I could ACTUALLY die. I find myself being more afraid of things like heights or scary movies. I'm not paralyzed by my fear, I have just noticed that my breath seems to catch in my chest a little more than it used to. Its weird, getting older. The thought that I could live another 50+ years is just mind blowing to me! Anyway, getting out of bed this morning feeling like I'm 80 made me think about all this. Getting older is great, so much lies ahead but it is a little sad and scary to leave things behind. It really makes you want to enjoy and appreciate the gift of life a little bit more.

Woo-hoo: Sleeping in tomorrow.
Boo: I still have 7 more hours before I can lay down again.

1 comment:

Jennifer Roush said...

Cheese I feel the same way! I hear you don't want me to watch Harry Potter without Glenn! OK fine I won't! My advice drink as much caffeine as you possibly can... aging does SUCK!