Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Harry Potter Excitement

I am so so excited about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This is by far my favorite book and I cannot wait to see how it plays out on the big screen. Lee, Molly and I already have our tickets for the midnight showing on Thursday night (technically Friday morning). I cannot wait to join all of my fellow Harry Potter fans and who knows, maybe I'll dress in some HP attire for the event! I know I'm going to be dead tired the next day at work but I don't care. I think it will totally be worth it! I have been counting down the days for months now and it it finally here! On Saturday night we played Harry Potter Scene It. It was surprisingly challenging even if you have read all the books and seen all the movies. There were some clips in there from the new movie. Molly and Jen ended up winning the game. (Nevermind the fact that they kept getting questions like what is Harry's mom's name.) Anyway, I'm uber excited about this movie and all the new characters. I did hear (sadly) that they cut out the entire Dobby story line to save time. That makes me sad because who doesn't love that little guy. Anyway, I really had nothing to post about today so I thought I'd bring up my LOVE for Harry Potter for all of you to read about. I know many of my fellow blog friends are big Harry fans! I look forward to discussing this movie with you!

Woo-hoo: I can see the cold front blowing in out my window.
Boo: Thursday just wont come fast enough!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Not fair not fair not fair. I want to go soooooo bad on Thursday night. A whole group of people is going but I'm waiting to go with Brian on Tuesday night ) : It's bad enough waiting for the movie to come out, but waiting 4 extra days is killer!! I'm just pretending like Tuesday is the premier.... I hope you have a lot of fun at the movie, but I won't be able to talk to you about it till after I see it! Are you going to watch the first three before hand? I kind of want to do a marathon, but I don't know if there is time.... YAY for Harry Potter!!