Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Weekend

Well, I have nothing special to write about but I figured if I did not update soon people would start to get annoyed. So I figured I would talk about my weekend and some things that have happened since then. My weekend was fun and relaxing. Friday night, Michelle, Molly and I went to see Chicken Little. It was a cute movie but (I'm about to spoil the movie for you) while I cannot remember the original movie perfectly, I'm pretty sure the "sky falling" did not turn out to be aliens. That is the case in the new one. Its very strange. There are a lot of funny lines though and "Fish out of Water" makes the movie worth it. Then I headed home and watched some Gilmore Girls until Lee got home from work. Glenn came and crashed too because he had a DJ gig that night. The next morning, I slept in pretty late. When I got up I took Macie for a long walk then I met Molly and Michelle for lunch at Chik-fil-A. It was pretty tasty. I started to notice that my obsession with Dr. Pepper has only gotten worse. I used to only drink two or three a week. Now I have a least one a day. Its bad but it just tastes so good, like sweet nectar from Heaven! Anyway, after lunch Molly went to see Steven and Michelle and I went to Spice. I had not been there in a really long time so it was fun to look around. I got part of Molly's Christmas present, Michelle's Christmas present, a baby shower gift, and I got myself a fun "B" magnet for our fridge. After Spice I went to Michelle's parents house to show her how to print her wedding invitation envelopes. There was about a 6 inch lizard inside her house and we had a lot of fun trying to catch it and watching it walk up the walls. It eventually went out the open door. After that I headed home and did some laundry. Then Lee and I went to the Cotton Patch for dinner. Jen got in town while we were there so she met us. After some delicious potato soup, we went to see Prime. I wasn't too sure about it going in, but it turned out to be really funny. I wasn't crazy about the ending but the movie overall gets a 4 out of 5 in my book. After the movie we were all tired because we are old now and so we went home and went to bed. Sunday we went to church and then Michelle had a wedding shower at the church. It was pretty and she got all kinds of fun stuff. After the shower Jen went home (sigh) and Lee cooked the most unbelievable roast for me, molly and michelle for dinner. It was so so good. Lee had to leave to go work so Molly, Michelle and I just sat around and talked for a while. Then it was time for bed again. The weekends really go by too fast. I'm already ready for the next one.

Woo-hoo: Lee's mom accidentally sent me an email telling me what she's getting me for Christmas!
Boo: Macie seems to have forgotten how to potty outside.


Elaine said...

When I was in town, Sara and I got those magnets too! We should start a "I have a fun magnet" group on facebook...

RES said...

Harry Potter: 8 days, 9 hours.

you'll get your autograph soon...i want to choose just the perfect sheet of paper out of my printer...be patient.