Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Holiday Recap

Well, Christmas is officially over. It's always so sad when its done. I can never help but feel disappointed, even if I got everything I asked for. Just sad to see the season go. I thought I would give you all a good recap of my last week or so. Michelle's wedding was beautiful. She was a stunning bride and I think we all looked pretty hot in our bridesmaids dresses. We had a really good time just hanging out together. I finally have a friend in the married girls club which brings our total up to 2! Lee and I had a wonderful time in New York. We got to see and do everything we really wanted to. We probably walked a million miles. Maybe next time we go there will be a working subway system. All the walking was good though because it made me feel better about all the food I consumed. I think I probably ate my weight in pizza. All of my pictures are on yahoo if you'd like to take a look. We got home from NY on Thursday afternoon and ate dinner with our parents. It was good to see everyone again. It was REALLY good to see Macie again. We missed her so much. My mom and I spent all day Friday running around trying to do my last minute shopping. I hate shopping around the holidays because people are so rude and stores are so crowded. I finally got some things for Lee's stocking and then got to go home for a while. Anne came over and we got to catch up. Christmas eve was busy. We ate with Lee's family for lunch then came home and started cooking and cleaning for our evening meal. My parents, Kyle and Marci and my grandma Davis all came over for dinner. Lee made an incredible feast of roast, potatoes, carrots, broccoli casserole, fruit salad, rolls, and many more things. It could have fed a small country. It all tasted delicious. Then e got down to business and opened presents. We all had a good time enjoying what each other got. I got all kinds of fun stuff. After presents we sat around and talked and then everyone went home. Christmas morning Macie woke us up early. Molly's dog Dakota was staying with us too and she was really ready to get out of her crate. So Lee and I opened our stockings and gave Macie and Dakota their presents. It was a perfect first Christmas morning for us. My parents came over and got the dogs and we headed to Lee's parents house. We immediately opened presents there. Again, lots of fun stuff, my favorite being every episode of Sex and the City on DVD. Exciting! We ate a fabulous lunch with Lee's family and then went home and took a long nap. We met my parents, lee's parents and my grandma at the movie theatre and saw The Family Stone. I loved it! It just deepened my love for Sarah Jessica Parker! Then we got the dogs back from my parents and went home. Yesterday I spent most of the day with Anne running around town spending gift cards and returning or exchanging things. Then Michelle called and we got to see her, funny how you miss someone you are used to seeing every day. We loaded up all her presents from the wedding and took them from her parents house to her house. After a fabulous dinner made by Lee, we went back to Michelle's and opened all her gifts. She and Sean sure made a haul. They got loads of good stuff. Anyway, then I had to go home and get ready for bed because I my vacation days were coming to an end. Molly came and got Dakota and it was good to know that everyone was back where they should be. Then I went to bed and now I'm here at work, again. Boo. Overall I had a fabulous vacation. I cannot wait to have another!

Woo-hoo: This week and next week are only 4 day weeks.
Boo: It was incredibly hard to get out of bed this morning.

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