Monday, December 12, 2005

Where's Waldo?

So this weekend we had Michelle's bachelorette party! It was probably the most fun I've had in a very long time. We loaded up the car and drove to Dallas on Saturday around 5. After a lot of traffic we finally got to Jen's apartment around 7. As we are pulling in there is an SUV limo in the same complex. Michelle joked saying thanks guys, you really shouldn't have. As we got to Jen's apartment she was outside talking to the limo driver trying to get her to the right spot. Michelle put two and two together and was like oh my gosh is that really for us! After we changed into our going out clothes in Jen's tiny apartment we headed out for a night on the town. We got into the limo (where Jen pulled out tons of male genetalia including whistles, a candy necklace for Michelle, and straws) and drove to The Magic Time Machine. If you have never been there you MUST go. All of the wait staff is dressed in different costumes and the places you sit are all decorated differently. Since there are 6 of us we got to sit in the hut. It is literally a hut in the middle of the restaurant. It has its own door and two windows and you sit in a half circle booth. Our waiter was Aladdin. He looked somewhat like him but knew his part very well. We all ordered colorful drinks that bubbled. It was so great. Aladdin had a little leather satchel on his left hip. We asked him what he kept in it and Michelle immediately answered "stolen bread". He laughed and agreed. Then when he brought out our meals he also brought out bread that looked remarkably like the bread stolen in the movie Aladdin. So when he was reaching across the table I slipped some bread into his satchel. A few minutes later he walked by our hut holding the bread and said "did ya'll put bread in my satchel?" We told him that we didn't want him to go hungry. In between all this craziness, Waldo (you know, from the Where's Waldo? books) came by. He was a cute guy and had a good personality. He flirted with all of us and told Jen he liked her shirt (which was incredibly low-cut). So from that point on every time he'd walk by we would yell at him out of our tiny hut. He enjoyed the attention and visited us often. We were also trying to get Harry Potter to come visit us. He was working in another part of the restaurant. He is a jerk because he NEVER came over! Anyway, after we ate both dinner and desert, we all needed to go to the bathroom. Aladdin lead half the group to the bathroom making them scream I need to go tinky winkie. It was great, everyone stared. Then this little elf led us through the ENTIRE restaraunt screaming "Get out of the way, these girls have to go to the bathroom". And again, everyone stared. When we were waiting on our check Aladdin came over the loud speaker and said for all the male waiters to report to the same area that "she's lost it". So all the characters: Hercules, the Joker, Waldo, Aladdin, Harry Potter and the elf, came over to where Michelle was. They took her into the middle of the restaurant and got down on their knees and sang "You've lost that loving feeling" to her. Fantastic! Then we said a final goodbye to Waldo (where he gave Lindsay his phone number) and headed back out to the limo. We then went to Pete's Piano Bar. It was packed. We had to wait in line and when we finally got in we were crammed with tons of other people. Michelle did have to get on the stage where they sang a very dirty song about her! We stayed there for a while and then we took the limo to see Christmas lights. We were sad because most of them had turned off by that time. Then we went back to Jen's apartment and crashed. It really was a great way to say goodbye to Michelle being a single woman!

Woo-hoo: I only have to work 4 days this week!
Boo: My weekend caught up with me and I'm exhausted today.

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