Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Little Bored

I haven't posted in a while so I figured I should write something. The main problem is that I don't have anything to say. Life has returned to normal since the holidays are over and its back to work as usual. I have gotten to enjoy 4 day work weeks the last two weeks and I have to say I'm getting a little spoiled. I could totally get used to a work four days and take off three kind of schedule. Sadly, next week is a full week. Some of you may know that Lee is going to be an insurance adjuster now that he is out of school. He is also going to keep his inflatable company, he'll just get some people to run it. Anyway, he is turning in his contract today to work for Wardlaw Claims. That is the company that my dad and brother work for and that my sister-in-laws family owns. We are really excited about going off to a storm, we pray for a big hail storm to hit but for no one to get hurt! (Just a lot of house damage!) I think it will be really fun to do some traveling. Once Lee is trained and there is a good size storm I will quit my job and work with him. While I will be sad to quit, I am so excited about traveling and working with the rest of my family. Now we just play the waiting game with the weather. So anyway, that's pretty much my life right now. Not terribly interesting but at least you are up to date.

Since I probably won't post tomorrow, I need to send a Happy Birthday to Lindsay! Can't wait to see you this weekend!

Woo-hoo: To a very fun New Year's eve, WAY better than last year.
Boo: To completely blowing my first day of "eating healthy".

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