Tuesday, January 24, 2006

North on 35

This weekend we went to Dallas to celebrate Michelle's birthday. We had such a good time. We got there around lunch time on Saturday and immediately headed out to shop. We spent some good time in the West Village. Michelle and I spent our gift certificates from Jen and then we ate at a fancy burger joint. After that we headed to the mall where Michelle insisted we go to forever 21. We spent A LOT of time at this mall. We had a really good time though. We also found some good bargains which really made us happy! Then we went back and put on some of our new things while Michelle opened her presents. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and it was divine. If you have not tried friend macaroni and cheese I highly recommend you do so. It is to die for. After dinner we were too full for desert so we got it to go. Then we walked around the container store and Barnes and noble for a while. I purchased a sudoku book because I am newly obsessed with it. Molly got one too and I think we have created a monster because once she bought the book she barely looked up from it. We then took our very full bellies back to Jen's apartment where Steven and Glenn came over and we sat around watching Miss America. It was pretty funny when the dvr stopped recording right when they said "and the second runner up is...." It caused quite an uproar! We went to bed late that night with Michelle making the bad decision to once again sleep on the lovesac. She woke up sore AGAIN and Molly and I woke up with bad allergies from the wet stuff that fell from the sky...I think they call it rain but i'm not sure because we haven't seen it in a while. Anyway, we did some more shopping the next day and then it was time for us to go home. We are always sad to leave Jen but its always nice to be home.

Woo-hoo: My awesome brother just brought me a taquito from Whataburger.
Boo: To the cold that I have and to the fact that my sudoku book is "not so easy" and i can't seem to solve any of them!

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