Monday, February 20, 2006

Sad Today

I'm not sure if I should put this on a blog or not. It's not upbeat or happy but its what I'm feeling so I thought I'd share. This morning we got a call from Lee's mom around 6:45am. She said that Lee's uncle (her brother) had been in a car accident last night and had slid off the road and hit a tree head on. He was killed instantly in the accident. He leaves behind three children of his own, a new wife and 4 step-children. Not to mention his parents and four sisters and their families. He was the youngest in the family by a lot, only in his late 30s. It's just so tragic. This is our first loss as a married couple and to be honest I figured we would lose a grandparent first. I found myself crying today as I told the pastor of our church. I didn't know him very well, had seen and spoken with him at family functions, he was at our wedding. But I think I am just deeply saddened for Lee's family. You always hate to see those you love in pain. So, if you would, please keep the entire family in your prayers. This is going to be a rough week. I need compassion and understanding and Lee's family needs a peace. We certainly covet your prayers. I promise my next entry will be happier!

On a much lighter note, today is Jen's birthday. She deserves a very Happy Birthday! She's such a good friend and I love her. So happy birthday Miss LeForce!

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