Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Well, we are leaving today at 1. The viewing is this evening and the funeral is tomorrow. Lee's family is holding up well. Still kind of a shock to everyone. Death is an interesting thing. Makes you really think about the life you are living and the people that are around you. I know it the past few days I have been more prone to holding Lee a little closer or keeping in closer touch with friends. I challenge everyone that reads this to love those you love just a little more today. You never know when your number will be up. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we make this journey to east Texas. Thank you to those friends that have offered hugs and kind words over the last few days. You have no idea how much you mean to both me and Lee. I'll blog something happy on Friday.

Woo-hoo: I am almost done with my current book.
Boo: The weather is pretty nasty for a long road trip.

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