Monday, February 13, 2006

Weekend Update

This weekend was a lot of fun. I took Friday off form work because my cousin was coming in town with her two little girls. She had to go to a conference so i had to help my aunt watch the girls. I had so much fun. Addy is almost 3 and Ellis is only 4 months so I had my hands full. We played and danced and sang, the usual stuff of 3 year olds. Ellis pretty much just cried or ate, that's what babies do, but she was sure precious while she did it.

Friday night Jen and Glenn came in town. It was cold and had been rainy so Jen, Molly, Michelle and I just sat around talking with a movie on and had a fire. I love using my fireplace. Cosmo, Macie and Dakota had a great time playing. Rodi would have none of it. We had a good time hanging out then Molly and Michelle went home and Jen and I waited for Glenn to get done DJing. After he got back it was bed time. Saturday morning I took Macie for a walk where we encountered a huge collie that was not in his fence. He sniffed at Macie and she freaked out. I picked her up and we continued on our way. It was kind of scary! The Lindsay came into town! It was so good to see her again. We had to go have lunch at Bush's! The we were off for a day of shopping at the Central Texas Market Place. We didn't buy a whole lot but we had a great time. I think the highlight was everyone buying candy at Party City. It was like we were 14 again! We came home, Jen dyed her hair and then we went to dinner at Johnny Carinos. Everyone (except me cause I don't like it) had wine at dinner. Michelle apparently cannot hold her wine and it was hilarious to watch her. After a VERY long time at the restaurant we went to Target to walk around. Then after picking up Dakota and some boxed wine (we are classy) from Michelles apartment, it was time to head home. We sat around and shared secrets of all types for several hours. The secrets got better as more wine disappeared! All in all it was a fabulous weekend. Its always so good to spend time with my girls!

Woo-hoo: Tomorrow is Valentine's Day
Boo: to this stupid cold weather

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