Monday, April 17, 2006


Well, my time of freedom has begun. It has been a long time since I woke up in the morning with no obligations. I don't have to go to school or work or do anything else that I don't want to do. It really is a great feeling! Today I started my day around 9. I took Macie for a walk, watched some Today Show and some Regis and Kelly, then ate lunch with some work friends. After that I went to the mall with my mom, came home, then went back to the mall with Lee. It was such a relaxing day. It felt so good to be moving around instead of sitting on my butt all day behind my computer. Because I am not at a computer as often, my blogs may be delayed a little! I'll try to keep up and not bore you to death though! About my goals for my time off...I'm doing all right. I read a little more in my book today and I worked out twice. It's just the first day but you never know! Tomorrow Lee's aunt and uncle are coming in town. It will be nice to eat lunch with them whenever we want to and not be on such a time schedule like I used to be. I could certainly get used to this. In other news, Lee returned home from St. Louis on Saturday night. I was alone for about almost 2 weeks. It was really good to see him. He is now all trained and ready to go out on a storm by himself. He's excited for me to go with him. I can't wait! We had a great Easter relaxing together. Anyway, that's a quick blurb about what's going on in my life, hope you didn't find it too mundane!

Woo-hoo: I bought new clothes today. They are all for adjusting but its still fun!
Boo: It is supposed to be 100 degrees tomorrow and it's only April!


Joni said...

GIRL! we are positively LANGUISHING here without you! i've never seen such a boring workplace! i miss "oatmeal time" every morning, and you emailing me saying "i'm bored. come visit me." rebecca actually works all the time, so she won't do that! :) they've interviewed 2 more girls today to fill your job. they both seemed ok, but they're just not kristy! so all that to say, we miss you even though you're loving your newfound freedom. i totally need your email address so i can pester you at home! so send me an email with all your info - yes, i will FINALLY download yahoo messenger so maybe you, me, and melody can chat.

Kasey Joy said...

just curious, what kind of clothes does one buy for adjusting?