Thursday, April 06, 2006

Spring is in the air!

The weather lately has been incredible! It's bright and sunny with a slight wind. It's been perfect weather to take Macie for a walk or sit in the back yard and watch all the dogs play. I'm hoping this keeps up until I quit my job so that I can frolic all day long! I'm a little sad because the weather is great again today and its Dia Del Oso at Baylor. For the last four years I was able to soak up the sun and lay around in hammocks for Dia. And today...I'm at work. Boo. Anyway, spring is in the air and its incredible! I'm loving every minute of it.

1 comment:

JTapp said...

I don't think I've seen anything quite like Dia. It's like a giant carnival. I want to know how much of fees/tuition went to having the snow trucked in.