Saturday, May 20, 2006


Well, I am still in San Antonio. Lee and I are busy looking at houses every day. Today we did 9. It's so stinking hot here that its hard to do that many in a day. It is nice to have them done though. I am adjusting to live as an adjuster. It's different from any other job I have had. We get to see a lot of different people so that keeps it interesting. We are having a good time with each other and with Kyle and Marci. It's a long story but somehow they don't have a place to stay tonight so they are staying with Lee and me. That's right, Kyle, Marci, Lee, me, Macie and their dog Abby all in one tiny hotel room. Should be a fun slumber party! Anyway, just thought I would check in and let everyone know I'm still alive down here in San Antonio. We are waiting to see what our boss wants us to do because we are almost out of claims. So either I will be heading home sometime this week or off to another location. We will see!!!

Woo-hoo: We are getting our claims done quickly!
Boo: I still miss my parents and my friends.


Joni said...

You're STILL in San Antonio?! What happened to the "We should only be gone a week"?! I'm languishing away up here - I haven't had a Wendy's taco salad in weeks! :) I'm glad to hear that you're adjusting to adjusting... I guess I'd also better adjust to you being gone, because I'm sure with hurricane season you'll be gone for much longer than this! Hope you had a fun slumber party, praying for your safety until you get home! :)

Anonymous said...

hey hey girl. long time, huh? i just caught up reading your blog...i don't get on this thing much anymore :( i'm glad ya'll are doing well. so i guess this means ya'll are keeping your house? and just travel where they tell you to go? sounds cool!

hope you're having a great week and i hope i hear from you soon!