Thursday, May 11, 2006

I'm an adjuster!

Today was my third day of being an insurance adjuster. In the past 3 days I have climbed up on 17 roofs. This is a picture of me on a two-story roof we did Tuesday. I'm having a good time. It's so much better than anything else I have ever done because it is different every day. The first two days we did 7 claims each day. Today we only had 3 but we got 12 new claims. Since we got done early today I had some spare time. Marci and I laid out by the pool. It was nice to just lay back and relax. We have been pretty lucky lately and haven't had many steep roofs. I haven't come close to falling off yet. Yesterday we did have a two story house that our ladder wasn't long enough for. So we had to put the ladder on top of the Trailblazer in order for Lee to climb up onto the roof. It was pretty scary but he made it safely up and down! I pretty much help Lee by taking pictures of the damage, taking down measurements or explaining things to the homeowners. It's pretty crazy to see all the damage that hail and wind can do. It is hard work but it pays off in the end. It is nice to be with Lee and great to have Kyle and Marci right across the hall. Macie is trying to adjust to life without her back yard. She's not too hip on the whole hotel thing. We are trying to teach her that she cannot bark at every noise she hears! I think all together she's having a good time though. At least she gets to play with Abby a lot. Anyway, just thought I would update everyone on what we are doing down here in San Antonio. I miss all my friends and the rest of my family but we are having a good time.

Woo-hoo: I got a pretty good tan today.
Boo: Kyle's truck got broken into and they stole his stereo.

1 comment:

Joni said...

Kristy!! Look at you being a big adjuster!!! I'm thoroughly impressed. Please don't fall off any roofs. And come home soon. I need someone to have lunch with on Wednesday!