Sunday, May 07, 2006

Waco Weather Watch!

We survived the two tornadoes that hit Waco on Friday night. Luckily, Lee and I had gone to Dallas for the night. We weren't even woken up by the weather up there. Sadly, it was a different story in Waco. My parents were keeping Macie for us and when the tornado sirens sounded they got themselves, Macie, and their dog Phoebe into the bathroom for cover. They said told me the wind was blowing really hard and the rain just kept coming. I had no idea any of this was going on until I got a text message from one of my friends asking if our house was okay. Lee and I were on our way home so I called my parents, made sure they were okay and asked them to check on our house. They called back later to say that the damage done around Waco, mainly Franklin Avenue was unbelievable. Buildings were ripped to shreds and there were tons of trees down. We got home and got to see the destruction for ourselves. Our street and all the streets around us were covered in branches and uprooted trees. Our house was okay but we had a tree fall, we were lucky that it didn't fall on anything! We had a lot of limbs down and spent the better part of Saturday cleaning things up. Then Molly and my parents came over because they still had no electricity. Molly got hers back on later that day. But my parents spent the night with me and still didn't have electricity when we woke up. They finally got it turned back on today (Sunday) around 3 o'clock. It was a huge ordeal and I'm glad its over. There are still a lot of trees torn up around my neighborhood. It's amazing that no one was hurt or killed.
Above is a picture of our fallen tree. It looks like a bush but if you look closely you can tell its a tree laying down.

Woo-hoo: Tomorrow I will go meet Lee in San Antonio for my first storm!
Boo: To being away from home and my friends.

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