Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Under the Weather

Okay, I know it's been forever since I last updated. Sorry about that. I honestly have nothing exciting enough in my life to blog about. How sad is that?! Anyway, its the middle of summer and I have come down with an awful sinus infection. This is just ridiculous. This is an illness you are supposed to get in the Winter. My nose is all stuffed up and my head feels like it is going to explode. No good! I went to the doctor today and I got a Z-Pack. I think that is all doctor's go-to medicine. It's kind of like a cure-all. Either way, the doctor said i won't be better for at least 5 days. Stupid. So I'm trying to rest and drink plenty of fluids so I can get better faster. So that's a little update on me.

Woo-hoo: My head is too stuffy to think good thoughts right now.
Boo: The Mavs lost last night.

1 comment:

Joni said...

ok, this is really funny. even though i just saw you yesterday and knew that you were sick, i didn't realize that's what you would be talking about when i read the title of your post. (in fact, you even TOLD me you were going to write a post about being sick on your blog... we won't think about the implications of that for how smart i am.) when i saw you had written a post called "under the weather," i thought you would be talking about adjusting and how you're depending on the weather for your next assignment... so in a way, your job is "under the weather" too!