Monday, September 11, 2006

New Tattoo

This weekend Michelle and I hosted a wedding shower for Jen. The shower wasn't until Sunday so on Saturday night we all decided to go get tattoos. I have wanted to get this one for quite a while but never wanted to go alone. I got a girl skull and crossbones. Her name is Ms. Scurvy, she's a character from Paul Franks designs. I have a shirt with her on it. I got it on my right hip. It's probably my new favorite tattoo. Yes, this brings me up to 3 now. I think I have crossed some kind of line. But don't you worry, I am done now. Lee has finally drawn the line! Though I think he secretly likes the new addition. Lindsay was going to just get her newest tattoo touched up but the artist told her it would be a better value for her to get a new one since she would have to pay the minimum price to just get hers touched up. She ended up getting a whale on her wrist. It is really cute and makes us all laugh. Talk about a spur of the moment decision! The best part about the whole tattoo experience was that my mom came with us! She stood there and held my hand while I got it done! She's the coolest. She said it was a very enlightening experience. Jen's mom, Billie Jane, also came with us. She's pretty conservative and I think she was utterly appalled by the entire event! She asked me what God was going to say when I went to heaven with this tattoo! It was pretty funny. Anyway, that was our wild weekend. I just thought I would show off my new body art. Jen's shower went really well, lots of people and lots of fun presents for her and Glenn. It really was a great weekend!

Woo-hoo: To having all my friends here this weekend
Boo: To the sad anniversary of 9/11.


Elaine said...

Okay, what is tattoo number 2? I think I remember a fish on your ankle, but I don't know about any others. Do tell. Also, do they hurt? and am I too old to get my first one? You've inspired me.

Elaine said...

We ended up reserving a 2-room cabin at the KOA Kampground with Michael and Leslie. Thats right, I'll be roughing it. But, we can all have a bonfire after the bonfire if we want to...

Joni said...

kristy, you are completely out of control!!!! a third tatoo? you're going to be one of those people that has none of their natural skin left by the time you're 50. lol. at least she's cute, although i'm a little creeped out by the skull and crossbones. and there is no chance that lee doesn't secretly think it's hot. he just won't admit it. :)