Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ready or Not

Ready or not, baby Boyd is on the way! Yes, you read correctly. Lee and I found out the day after Christmas that we had a little surprise on the way. We went to the doctor today and got to see the heartbeat and the baby. The baby looks like a peanut but you can actually see the heartbeat. It was crazy! We were both a little terrified before the visit but now we are starting to get excited. Our parents are beside themselves. This will be the first grandchild for all of them. We have called and told several people but you bloggers get a first hand account! I was going to post the picture of the sonogram, but lets be honest, you can't see anything yet! So just use your imagination. It's about the size of a raspberry. I am 2 months along and am due August 31st. It's so crazy to think that this time next year there will be a third person in our house. I haven't had too many symptoms yet. My stomach has been a little upset but that's been about it. Oh, and I cry at the drop of a hat! I'll keep you all updated as we find out more. We go to the doctor again on February 18th. We are still a little in shock but know that God had a great plan for our little one!

Woo-hoo: To seeing the heartbeat.
Boo: To all this cold weather. I am so sick of it.


JTapp said...

Congrats you guys!

Nick Cochran said...

No way! Jaime and I are so excited for you both! What a great day-after-Christmas present! (P.S. We know about those, too!)

Can't wait to see you guys and can't wait to meet your baby!

Elaine said...

I am so excited for you!!!! I can't believe we're old enough to have babies. All the Child & Fam classes might actually get put to use! YAY!!!!!

Nicki W. said...

congrats, cutie!! you are going to looove pregnancy! the end may get a little tough on you since you are so tiny, or at least it has for me, but i have enjoyed every minute! how precious!

Joni said...

YAAAAY for Baby Boyd! Many congratulations to you, and I can't way to see you as you "grow"! :) Let's go have some tuna to celebrate!