Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's really a baby...

So I've come to the conclusion this week that I'm really going to have a baby. I know that sounds silly but I've sort of been in denial. This week I started to feel some fluttering movements in my stomach. We also put the crib up and are beginning to get the room ready. We went back to the doctor and heard the heartbeat once again. It's a steady 150 beats per minute. Sounds like a healthy little baby. I have started to actually get excited about it all. Until now I have really been unsure about it all. Not really excited and kind of freaked out by the entire process. This week something has changed and I'm starting to feel like a pregnant woman. I think something that has helped has been the outpouring of love already shown for our baby. My parents and a close family friend bought the crib for the baby. Lee's parents are going to buy the bedding once we know the sex. And yesterday I went shopping with my mom and grandma and my mom got the baby a mattress for the crib. My grandma got it a changing pad and cover. It just amazes me how much these people already love this baby. It's still 5 months away from being here and they are already so excited. I think this has helped me get to the point that I am finally at. From here on out I should be able to really start feeling the baby moving around. It's supposed to double in size over the next 3 weeks. Crazy. Anyway, still open for some name suggestions. Let me know what you think.

Woo-hoo: To a new Grey's Anatomy tonight!
Boo: To having to work

1 comment:

Joni said...

Yay for finally realizing it's a baby! I think if it's a girl you should name it Joni. If it's a boy, name it Large Tuna. :) There, don't you appreciate my suggestions?!