Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Great News!

Last week we went to dinner at my sister-in-law's parents house. (This is also Lee's boss). My brother and his wife, Marci, were in town for the day. They have been doing insurance adjusting up in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for several weeks now. Anyway, right before dinner was ready Marci brought out a present for my mom. My mom read the card and started crying. She got up and hugged Marci and Kyle. Meanwhile Lee and I are totally confused. We finally figured out that Marci is going to have a BABY! Not only are we excited that we are going to have our first niece or nephew but this is a HUGE blessing from God. Kyle and Marci have been trying to have a baby for over a year now. It has put a lot of stress on them and we have all felt their pain. They were actually supposed to be meeting with a fertility specialist the day they told us! So this is a huge blessing and we could not be more excited about this news! Please pray that Marci has a good pregnancy and everything goes well. It is going to be great to have our babies so close together and living in the same city. So many fun cousin parties! Anyway, I can't wait to be an aunt!! Congratulations Kyle and Marci!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Oh thats so exciting!! Price will be just older enough to show baby cousin whats up. How fun!!