Thursday, September 06, 2007

Busy Day...

Yesterday Michelle brought Kayleigh over to play. Both Price and Kayleigh were very good. We even got to have a fun photo session. We also took Price to his first doctors appointment. Dr. Graham said he looks great. He was down to 6lbs 12oz when we left the hospital but he's already back up to 7lbs. We had to take off all his clothes so he could be checked out and that DID NOT make him happy! He did calm down though and the doctor just held him for a while. He told us he didn't want to see the rest of his patients that day, that he just wanted to hold Price the whole day! He said that Price has no signs of jaundice and that he is very healthy. So that was our first trip out of the house! Price was such a good little boy! We had Becky spend the night again last night so we could get a little better sleep. It is nice to have peace of mind while we sleep. Overall we are starting to adjust to the whole parenting thing. It really is hard when you aren't sleeping much. I know we'll get the full hang of it soon though! Here are some pictures from yesterday!

My uncle Kyle loves me!


Anonymous said...

well Prica and his little girlfriend make a cute little couple.

Anonymous said...

opps i ment PRICE