Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Day Away

Today we spent the whole day over at Grandma's house. Price had a great time getting to meet Bandit and Phoebe (my parents dogs), and sitting in a new baby papyson (sp?) chair. He slept A LOT so we'll hope he sleeps tonight. He has been doing really well lately though. Tuesday night he slept for 6 hours the first time I put him down. Then last night he slept for 5. So at least he is giving mom a little bit of rest now. I think if we could get the acid reflux fixed he could sleep even longer. So far the burping and sitting upright isn't really working for us. Today he projectile spit up all over me! So we'll keep it up for another week but that may be all that I can take before we have to get on some medicine. Anyway, that is a little update on us. Here is a picture from a couple of days ago.

In the first one it looks like he is smiling but he is actually screaming! In the second he loves his aunt Marci so much he just had to hold on to her!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Hi Kristy-
I'm a friend of Joni's (the one she had the Pampered Chef party with).
I read about your poor baby and his acid reflux. Have you tried Dr. Browns bottles? A couple of my friends have used these for their babies who have acid reflux and they have really helped.
Hope he feels better!