Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tummy trouble

I can't remember if I mentioned it on here or not but Price has been having some stomach problems. While he's eating or shortly thereafter, he will pull his legs up, turn bright red and scream at the top of his lungs. He is obviously in pain. So I took him to the doctor today and he has acid reflux. This is not a surprise since Lee and I both take daily medicine for this problem. The doctor said we will wait another week or two and try some different things like burping him more often and keeping him upright for 20 minutes after eating. If those things don't work I will call the doctor back and he will prescribe Zantac. So we'll just see what happens. Sometimes with all the screaming I think it might be harder on me than it is on him! Anyway, on a happy note he has grown by leaps and bounds. He weighs 8.1 pounds and is 21 inches long. His umbilical cord STILL hasn't fallen off so we'll hope that happens soon. It's starting to smell bad! (Ew!) Well okay, that is our update for today. Thank you to everyone who reads...make sure you comment so we know who is reading our little stories!


Anonymous said...

Well, here it is 3:00 AM and I can't sleep---so decided to check in on Price---God love him---poor tummy! He is getting so big--I HAVE TO GET TO WACO---SOON!Hang in there Mom--you are doing great!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you have an answer to the tummy problems. Latham takes Zantac and we can totally tell when it's time to increase his medicine. One thing that helped us at night was putting a pillow under Latham's mattress to give it an incline since it's pretty hard to keep him upright so long after the middle of the night feedings. I didn't know this but they actually sell foam wedges for reflux kiddos to have under their mattresses. If you have any questions, let us know...we are still dealing with a little bit of reflux but it gets TONS better once they can sit up.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog everyday. It is so much fun to keep up with Price, and you and Lee also. Sorry for his tummy problems. Is acid reflux the new buzz word for colic?

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Sorry to hear about Price's tummy =( Maybe it will be gone before u know it! Hang in there, yall are both doing a wonderful job =)

Elaine said...

Poor Price. I hope your tummy feels better soon!