Tuesday, September 04, 2007

He is here!

Baby Price is finally here! He came into the world on Friday, August 31st at 12:42pm. He was 7lbs 4oz and 19 inches long. I had a pretty short labor but a really long period of pushing. So long, in fact that I really thought about giving up and having a c-section. But he did finally decide to come out on his own! It was by far the hardest thing I have ever done but in the end he is totally worth it. I'm still not sure about ever having another one but we will just enjoy Price for now! We were released from the hospital on Sunday and got home around noon. Macie is still not quite sure what to think of Price. She sniffs some and gets concerned when he cries but other than that she pretty much leaves him alone. Our first night was pretty interesting. Lee handled all the dirty diapers and burping, I handled all the feeding. He is a really good eater by the way! Took to it immediately after birth. Anyway, We felt like we got a good amount of sleep for our first night. Last night, however, we decided to ask Lee's mom to stay the night. I have come down with a stomach virus so sadly, i am not much help with the baby right now. I can pretty much just feed him and then lie around and feel like i'm dying! So Becky was a HUGE help last night. Lee got to sleep the entire night and I only had to be up to feed him. So we are much more rested today and I am starting to feel like the virus is subsiding. So anyway, that pretty much updates you on our last few days. Price LOVES his swing and spends a good amount of time there. He also love to eat and be held by his daddy. We have had a TON of visitors and he has been such a trooper. He usually just sleeps while everyone holds him. Overall he is a remarkably good baby. We are already so in love I don't know how we ever lived without him! Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!


Elaine said...

oh yay! I'm glad y'all are settling in and I hope you are feeling better. Thats rough to get sick right after labor...as if your body hasn't had enough! Keep the pics and stories coming...

Anonymous said...

What a cuteie I am sooo excited for your guys. Make sure you post lots of pictures..... I have nothing to blog about at this point so maybe one day i will FINALLY get prego and have something to share as well. haha

JTapp said...

Congratulations! He looks great! Joni seriously lost sleep while anxiously waiting for an update. Glad things are well!

Joni said...

YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad everybody's happy and healthy (for the most part?)! Justin wasn't kidding - I was totally up nights worrying about you guys... But now no more worries - you're home and he's BEAUTIFUL! Many congratulations, and you'll have to give him a hug from me - I'm sorry I can't be there to hug him myself! :) :) :)

Kasey Joy said...

he's here! he's here! he's here!

you're a mom!!! i concur with the others, he's a keeper!!! love the pics, and yeah, keep 'em coming! i promise to call when i'm in waco, i gotta meet this kid!!! hope all is well, stay sane, and get some sleep!